
Coe Elementary Visual Arts

Making Space – Collaboration

Hello! Last week I was contacted by Ms. Kaloper and shown a video from a really amazing artist and illustrator, Christian Robinson. Christian is doing a series entitled Making Space where he is focused on the intersection between art and our emotions. Art can offer a great outlet to express your thoughts and feelings. We…

Visual Arts Sculpture Lessons

Hello! I hope you are taking the time to enjoy some of these lessons! This week, I have paper sculpture lessons inspired by mentor artists Vincent Van Gogh and Laurie Simmons. Sculptures have been made for thousands of years. Sculptures are three-dimensional (3-D) objects. This means they have length, width and depth, rather than being…

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2 thoughts on “Blog

  1. Hi Jake,

    Here we go. We are late to the party, but happy to be part of it. Thank you and talk soon!!!


    1. Hello Kim family! I am glad to see you found the site and I hope that Elias and Ewon find something they like on it! If you have any questions or if the they want me to post something specific, please let me know!
      Mr. Chavez


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